
Thursday, December 21, 2006


1.Why the output of the Nd.YAG laser with Xenon flash lamp is pulsed?

2.Why the rays making smaller and greater angles are arriving at same instant in graded index fiber?

3.Why the field of view changes to bright when a QWP is introduced .

4.What is the path difference if a glass plate of ref.index and thickness t is introduced in one of the paths of two coherent rays from same source.

5.What is the use of He gas in CO2 gas laser?

6.Name any two demerits of optical fiber?

7.Why the single mode fiber is used for long distance communication.

8.Which type of optical fiber where refractive index gradient is applicable

9.What is attenuation

10.Why the rays in optical fiber(step index) are arriving with different time periods.

11.Explain how the data is read using a laser source.

12.In a pn junction diode of Ge , what is the effect of recombination process?

13.In a polariscope, what is the effect if the principal stresses are of equal magnitude

14.What is the change in the field of view of telescope in a M.I. experiment , if a compensation plate is introduced?

15. What happens when a ray o f light is allowed to pass through the optic axis?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

honey,dates are the natural of gift of God to humanity...
men shall derive greater strength by adding these fruits in the diet...